Marine surveyors determine the condition and seaworthiness of boat
Marine surveyors work to determine the condition, value and safety of boats and other marine vessels. Often, insurance companies call upon the skills of a marine surveyor for claims and reports. Many marine surveyors belong to four professional organizations; the American Boat & Yacht Council, Association of Certified Marine Surveyors, National Fire Protection Association and the Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors.
The Chapman School of Seamanship offers a six-week, 180-hour yacht and small craft surveying program. The four-part course begins with 53 hours of study about the design, materials, and construction of a boat's hull, and finding deficiencies within it. The 54-hour second section teaches students how to test and examine engine-powered or sail propulsion and support systems. Section three totals 29 hours and gives the how-to's for conducting a marine survey business including professional and legal topics. The final 44-hour section gives step-by-step instructions for assessing boat seaworthiness and condition and gives students an opportunity to prepare three surveys and reports.
Chapman School of Seamanship
4343 S.E. St. Lucie Blvd.
Stuart, Florida 34997
800-225-2841 (toll free)
Havorn Marine Survey and Shipwright School offers a course called The Art of Marine Surveying. The five-part program includes hands-on and classroom instruction, plus an optional private apprenticeship with the company owner. Section one of the program covers the basics of detail, hull construction and rigging. In section two, students will examine and learn about on-board systems. Section three discusses marine survey standards, recommended practices from the American Boat and Yacht Council and the National Fire Protection Association, and federal regulations. Section four includes an intensive course on developing and preparing a survey including conducting an inspection, noting findings and recommendations for the purpose of valuating vessel condition or creating insurance claims. Students complete an intensive field survey apprenticeship in section five that draws on skills learned in sections one through four of the program, with some one-on-one assistance from course instructors.
Havorn Marine Survey and Shipwright School
PO Box 17521
Seattle WA 98127
The Marine Surveyor School operated by Jim Cross Certified Marine Surveyors offers in-person and Internet marine surveyor diploma programs with apprenticeships in marine surveying. The in-person program takes place in Rhode Island. Either program takes students between four to six months to complete. The school designed the program to develop the novice or experienced mariner to work professionally in marine surveying with confidence. Students require a small digital camera with a 24 to 140 millimeter lens, computer, color printer, multimeter, moisture meter, rubber mallet and flash light. Students need not have previous experience to apply for the programs.
Marine Surveyor School
209/241 Nooseneck Hill Rd.
West Greenwich, RI 02817
In Indonesia until now not yet have Marine surveyor schools, but marine surveyor have a organisation is AISI
if you interest become a marine surveyor call apply your resume to Marine Surveyor Company under AISI group then you can get inhouse course under AISI held.